Accommodation in Australia

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The Landlord helps you settle in Melbourne. Discover where to live, how to rent your home and much more!

If you are new to Melbourne, you probably don’t know the nicest places to live, where to go for cheap rentals, or where to find more comfort and convenience. If you have never rented a home in Australia before, you probably don’t know much about the renting costs and the steps involved in renting a property. If you have ever submitted a rental application, you surely know how hard it is to rent a place these days.

For all of you moving to Melbourne, moving to Australia, I bring my life experience: 8 years renting properties, from shared and private rooms to entire stylish apartments. Almost a decade of listening to people and helping them settle in Melbourne. I bring tips and lessons I learned along the way. I offer suggestions for safe choices so you can enjoy your time in Melbourne to the fullest. I honestly hope it helps you have a great time in Melbourne.

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Easily rent your property with The Landlord

Stylish rooms & apartments in Melbourne. Renting made easy, safe and for everybody!

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